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About Us

Our Story

We’re not in the same world anymore. Since the onset of the COVID virus, so much has changed — how we interact with people, the way we do business, and the economy itself have presented a whole new set of challenges for many. But you are not alone.

Even before the virus attack, we began experiencing changes in our own lives. I, myself, found that I could no longer push each day through a job that wasn’t satisfying me. I need to be with people, helping them grow and flourish, and where I had found myself for so many years was taking the wind out of my sails. Knowing there was more, I took the leap … only to find everything was about to change.

But blessings come in disguises, and what I discovered was that the vision I had to coach and guide others was exactly the prescription that would be needed by many in the upcoming days. It’s like destiny knew, and so it positioned me just where I would be most effective. I am grateful for this change each and every day.

In the same way, you’ve been created for so much more. Where you are today, and where you’ve been, are entirely different. It may be disconcerting, but consider for a moment that these things have needed to happen in order to get you to the next level. There’s so much more for you, and sometimes we all need a little nudge!

When you come along side us, we’ll help open doors to your new beginning. We’re giving you the keys to a new start! I’ll guide you and encourage you, directing you on a new path. We’ll assess your current situation and how to move forward, take a look at any obstacles in the way, and unleash the power within you. Backed by our team, you’ll have access to every tool you need for success. From website design and branding to video advertising, someone to look over and optimize your resume, stellar presentations, professional photography … it’s all at your fingertips by professionals in the field.

You will be amazed at the new heights you’ll achieve, with just a little help. Even if it looks bleak out there, this is the opportunity for many to arise. The important thing is if we’re going to succeed in this new place, we have to see and do things differently. The good news is you’ve got help. Let us help take you there. Your future awaits, and we’re handing you the keys!

We believe everyone has a purpose, and fulfillment comes when we carry it out. It’s in joining with others that we can accomplish our dreams and get over life's hurdles — none of us are meant to do it alone.

We’re here at FollowFlo to help you along your way, to bring out the best YOU this world is hungry for!

Meet Our Team

We are a family of professionals with a passion for purpose and helping you shine!

Florence Sinclair

Founder & President

Olivier Calas

Chief Editor

Michele Keen

Senior VP of Communications & Branding

You Can Have Everything

With a click of the button you can price out your options or schedule an appointment. Get in the flo, your dream’s ahead!
Price & Schedule (877) 4000-FLO (356)

Florence Sinclair

Founder & President

Florence is a professional at heart. She has the insight and passion to make heads turn and has done that through her 30 years of experience in high level offices of prestigious companies ranging from the world's third largest press news agency, to France’s largest telecom company, to Freddie Mac — the United States’ largest home loan mortgage corporation — where she served for 15 years, balancing out her tenure as Senior Financial Controller. She managed the foreclosure accounting division during the 2008 financial crisis, and is well acquainted with the perils and challenges of the corporate world. In early 2020, her love for people and helping them succeed took over, and she was promptly reassigned to Chief Happiness Officer. Short-lived as it may be, this position launched Florence into a desire for her own business where she could shape and sculpt futures outside of corporate America. Hence the beginning of FollowFlo.

Florence brings with her a sincere interest in others, and the natural skills to help people advance. Even at Freddie Mac, when asking colleagues what she does best, the resounding “yes” was toward her influence on teams, departments, and individuals to overcome life’s hurdles, open new doors of opportunity, and lead in a positive direction. She brings these talents to FollowFlo with a desire to serve and see people launched into their destiny.

Florence, born and raised in Paris, France, lives in Reston, Virginia with her husband and Australian Shepherd.


Olivier Calas

Chief Editor

Olivier is a Franco-American journalist who has been with a leading international news agency for the past 35 years, working in the fields of photography, multimedia and video. An optimist at heart, Olivier has always been – and more so lately – attracted by positive news, the kind that gives you hope, makes you smile, and lets you forget about the dominant daily doom and gloom. As Chief Editor, Olivier will bring a weekly selection of stories from around the world mainly in the fields of environment, science and health that will hopefully cheer you up as much as they do us.


Michele Clark

Senior VP of Communications & Branding

Michele comes to us with an expert eye and a passion for identity. With more than 20 years experience as an Art Director, she leads our design staff in the development of all our creative pieces. She’ll communicate your mission to them to produce the website, logo, and print pieces that put you on stage. Each project gets her special attention to detail, and insight into the true authentic identity of our clients. You’ll be amazed at how she simply hits the nail on the head, leaving you wondering, “How did she know?”

Michele has been professionally schooled in design, and has been the owner of two design firms.


Christelle Breuer

Executive Stylist

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Teri Moy


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Adrian Flores


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