Create Your Vendor Listing
Please complete the form below to be added as a vendor to our list, making yourself available to our customers. When you submit your request, note that we will review it for approval. Not all requests will be accepted. In particular, we list vendors who provide a professional service that may help our clients succeed. Be aware, too, that we only post vendors with whom we have a personal relationship, and whose services we support.
When providing your description, note that we may adjust your text as necessary. You have the option, too, to offer our customers a discount when they mention FollowFlo. Although this is not required, it may help increase visits! Currently there is no charge to be a vendor, however we may be adding a small fee at a later date. In the event this happens, you will be notified with the option to continue.
Thank you for your interest, and we hope to be teaming with you soon!