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 > Get In The Flo  > R-E-F-L-E-C-T


One day, one of my colleagues asked me what my approach would be, as he had to deliver some “bad news” to his team. He needed them to implement a complete 180 reversal to his project.

As daunting as this sounds, sometimes life does present us with challenges that can turn out beautifully if we only approach them with the right spirit. Think of it this way, delivery is everything! And how you deliver depends entirely on what you see — what you see about yourself, what you see about others, and what you see about your situation. There’s a term in website development that speaks to this — “WYSIWYG”, and it stands for what you see is what you get. It refers to development software that looks like the end result rather than a coding language, but how clearly it differentiates the results we’ll get in life if we just choose to see with the right pair of eyes! Good or bad, you are going to get what you see.

With that in mind, I wanted to share an acronym of my own that helps me set the right perspective when I’m stepping into any situation — R-E-F-L-E-C-T. To “reflect” means to think deeply and carefully about something. Reflecting with a clear mind in the right direction will make your day! With regard to this acronym, however, it has an even deeper meaning. Let’s see what it says.

R – Respect yourself
Respect yourself and your ideas that what you bring to the table is a solid, viable solution. If you don’t doubt yourself, you’ll communicate with confidence in a way that others will hear. It’s amazing how the way we see ourselves is how others will treat us.

E – Expect positive results
Remember, what you see is what you get! Even if there are a couple bumps in the road as you communicate your message, your vision will keep you moving forward. Expecting a successful outcome will keep you from losing your footing.

F – Filter your thoughts
Be aware of your thoughts, and it will guide your words. Let’s face it, we’re all human, and it’s easy to get caught up in emotions. But if you stick to the facts and remain conscious of your words, you’ll avoid any pitfalls.

L – Listen well
Listen, listen, listen. Sincerely listen to what others have to say, consider their situation, make eye contact, and let them speak. Sometimes people need to vent their concerns, but when they know they’re heard, they’re willing to work towards a solution.

E – Earnestly engage
When you communicate, speak from your heart. Don’t sound rehearsed, and don’t impose your ideas or give orders. Be flexible. Your team might have ideas you hadn’t considered. And if yours still seems to be the best option, engage your team by drawing them in. Don’t try to push them into position.

C – Care about your audience
Caring goes a long way. People want to know that they matter and that the role they have is important. Show that you understand their frustrations and disappointments, and share your thought process if things do need to move in a certain way.

T – Trust the end result
And even if things don’t go exactly as you had hoped or planned, know this … everything is a process and what was discussed is the seed. Be glad you planted it, and then continue to water it by being patient, steadily moving forward, and believing that it will all work out.

It takes a strong heart to walk the right path, but if you exercise these steps it’ll pay off with dividends! The more you strengthen that muscle, the easier it will be. After your meeting, reflect on how it went. Consider the comments made and feedback. Consider how you carried yourself, and if there are areas for improvement, give yourself some grace and know you’re a work in progress! Follow through with what was discussed and continue to show honor by what you put in place. And if contributions were made by the team that are implemented, thank them.

A thoughtful leader strengthens their team. Lead the way by being a leader that REFLECTs!

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